The Fox and the Egg
Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you. - Psalm 84:12
Writer David Roper, who lives in Idaho, tells the following story:
“I was sitting by the window, staring out through fir and spruce trees to the mountains beyond, lost in thought. I looked down and saw a fox staring up at me—as still as a stone.
“Days before, I had seen her at the edge of the woods, looking nervously over her shoulder at me. I went to the kitchen for an egg and rolled it toward the place I had last seen her. Each day I put another egg on the lawn, and each day she ventures out of the trees, picks it up, and darts back into the woods.
“Again she had come to my door for an egg, sure I wouldn’t hurt her.
“This incident can remind us of something King David said: ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good’ (Psalm 34:8). How do we start doing that? By reading His Word. As we read and reflect on His love and care for us, we learn that He can be trusted (84:12). We lose our fear of talking to Him in prayer.”
The closer we get to God, the more we see that He is good!