Day 1 Bible Reading: Mark 4:35-41
Into Our Storms
-Mark 4:39
When I was fourteen, I thought I was going to die. The wind howled, lightning flashed, waves crashed. My grandparents and I were fishing on a lake, but we’d stayed out too long. As the sun set, a fast-moving wave swept over our small boat. My grandad told me to sit in front to keep it from tipping over. I’d never been so scared in all my life. But then, somehow, I began to pray.
I asked God to look after us and protect us. The storm didn’t calm down at all, but somehow we made it to shore. To this day, I don’t know if I’ve ever been surer that God was with me than that night in the storm.
Jesus is no stranger to storms. In MARK 4:35-41, He told His disciples to head across a lake that would soon turn windy and wild. The storm that night scared the fishermen who had seen a lot of storms before. They too thought they were going to die. But Jesus calmed the water and, in doing so, helped His friends to trust Him even more.
In the same way, Jesus wants us to rely only on Him during our storms. Sometimes He may calm the winds and the waves of whatever we’re going through. But sometimes He won’t; we’ll have to ride out the difficulty with Him. But even when He doesn’t just clear up the problem for us, He does something just as amazing: He helps us to trust Him and keep going.
By: Adam R. Holz
To Pray About . . .
Lord Jesus, the storms I go through sometimes feel like they are too much for me. Help me trust that You are completely in control and with me throughout.