God's Front Porch
In 1972 NASA astronaut Gene Cernan—the commander of Apollo 17—became the last human to walk on the moon. When asked later what it was like to stand on the moon’s surface, Cernan responded, “Looking back to see the Earth in all of its fullness and beauty was like looking out from God’s front porch.”
We don’t have to go to the moon to know there’s a Creator. Looking into the vast night sky as he stood on Earth’s surface, the psalmist David was convinced. He wrote, “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! ... When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you set in place” (Psalm 8:1, 3).
David wrote that the “heavens” clearly tell of their Creator: “They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth” (Psalm 19:1–4).
On the next clear night, go outside and look up. Then “listen” to what the stars have to say about the creator God who set them in place.