Make My Brown Eyes Blue
Amy Carmichael was born with gorgeous brown eyes. But Carmichael, who later became a famous missionary in India, wanted blue eyes. She even prayed for God to change
her eye color from brown to blue!
Here’s the amazing thing: When she arrived in India, Carmichael discovered most everyone had dark eyes—just like her! Because she had dark eyes, Amy was accepted more quickly into her new community.
God designed Amy Carmichael—and all of us—purposely. Our God is a Master Artist. When God created you, He lovingly mixed together his rainbow of hues to create the exact color of your gorgeous eyes. He selected the texture—straight, wavy, or curly— of your hair. He thoughtfully built out your curious mind, giving you amazing talents and brilliant abilities too. Nothing escaped you Creator’s attention when He lovingly crafted you.
You are your Creator’s masterpiece.
Jesus, You created me beautifully and specially—I am Your masterpiece!