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Week 48 Bible Reading: Hebrews 5:12–6:2

Feeding Ourselves

Anyone who lives on milk is still a baby. That person does not want to learn about living a godly life. Solid food is for those who are grown up. They have trained themselves to tell the difference between good and evil. That shows they have grown up. - Hebrews 5:13–14 (NIrV)

Captured on the webcam, the baby eagles—eaglets—were hungry. Mom and Dad, though, weren’t paying attention. Just behind the eaglets lay a big fish. Even though it could feed all three eaglets, they couldn’t feed themselves. Soon, their parents would teach them—one of their first survival lessons.

We’re like those eaglets when we first begin a relationship with God. We need to be fed spiritually, by our parents or maybe our pastors or other trusted adults. As we mature, though, we get to feed ourselves.

In fact, God has been joyously preparing for this day, when you’d be old enough to spend time together—just the two of you. Think of it as a special date with your King. So, claim your most comfortable chair. Wear your coziest pj’s. And bring your journal, in preparation to talk with God. Or find the biggest space in your house and turn up the music—for a dance party!

Whether you’re dancing and singing praises to Jesus, or quietly journaling your prayers, Jesus is waiting, just for you.

What are some fun ways to spend time with Jesus? Journaling? Reading the Bible? Worshiping and having a dance party? Brainstorm some fun ideas now.
Jesus, You’re amazing, and I can’t wait to get to know You better. Show me some fun ways that we can spend time together.
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We are thankful to Bishop Dr. T. Jeyakumar and Rev. Dr. Herbert Tan for their permission to use and adapt some of their materials in this website.

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