Week 4: When I Think Nobody Cares

Day 5 Bible Reading: 1 Kings 19:1-8

A Chocolate-Powered Car!

 Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord (DEUTERONOMY 8:3). 

I like chocolate. A lot! But this invention sounds a bit of a waste to me. Some scientists have created a race car that runs on chocolate! It can reach top speeds of 135 mph. As amazing as that is . . . I still think I’d rather eat the chocolate.

If we think a car running on chocolate is surprising, the Bible has a food-story that might just beat it. When Elijah had been used by God to call fire down from heaven, his spiritual high was followed by a very dark time. He heard that people were out to kill him, so Elijah “ran for his life” (1 KINGS 19:3). Having run into the desert, he sat down by a bush and “prayed that he might die” (V.4).

In answer to Elijah’s depression, God sent an angel to provide food, drink and rest. Amazingly, strengthened by that one meal, “he travelled for forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God” (V.8).

Just as we need food to keep us going each day, we also need ‘food’ for our spiritual lives. That meal, alongside God’s love and care, gave Elijah the strength to carry on his journey. We too should remember our spiritual needs as well as what our bodies need. When, like Elijah, we want to just say “I have had enough, Lord” (V.4), we can trust Him to look after us just as we need. 

By: Dwiyanto Fadjaray

To Pray About . . .

Thank you, Lord, for looking after me and giving me strength when I need it. Help me to continue to look upon You, my source of life, when I'm facing difficulties.


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