Day 5 Bible Reading: Genesis 12:4-9
Living in Tents
Growing up in the middle of rolling countryside with many beautiful lakes, I loved to go camping to really make the most of all that God had made. But sleeping in a flimsy tent wasn’t my favourite thing—especially when a rainy night and a leaky tent meant I woke up in a soggy sleeping bag.
I’m amazed to think that one of the heroes of the Bible spent a hundred years living in tents. When he was seventy-five years old, Abraham heard God tell him to leave his country so that He could make him into a new nation (GEN. 12:1-2). Abraham obeyed, trusting that God would follow through on His promise. And for the rest of his life, until he died at 175 (25:7), he lived away from his home country in tents.
We may not have to live away from home in tents all our lives like Abraham did. But while we live in this world, we will still know something is missing. That’s because, deep down, we want to be in our true home that will last forever. Like Abraham, we are looking forward to the city to come, whose “architect and builder is God” (HEB. 11:10). And like Abraham, we can be confident that God is working to bring us safely into His city. He is preparing a “better country—a heavenly one” to come (V.16).
By: Amy Boucher Pye
To Pray About . . .
Father, wherever we are, You are our shelter. May we trust You in the big things and small, knowing that each day You are bringing us closer to home.