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Week 10 Bible Reading: Mark 2:23-28

Dog Tired?

Heaven belongs to the Lord. But he gave the earth to people. - Psalm 115:16 ICB

During the long, harsh Alaskan winter, Denali National Park rangers rely on teams of sled dogs to help them patrol the vast, snowy wilderness. Because Alaskan huskies live to run and pull, the dogs are always raring to go.

Those furry bundles of energy don’t know when to stop, so park rangers have to make them rest. Otherwise, they’d run themselves until they collapse.

Sled dogs can remind us of our need to take a break. All of us—even if we are young—need to stop, rest, and recharge. You can’t do school all day, practice basketball until dark, do your homework, and not expect to be tired. The biblical word for the rest God provides is sabbath. Jesus explained that the Sabbath “was made for man.” It’s not some complicated religious rule to follow (Mark 2:27).

After God made the universe, He “rested” on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2). This doesn’t mean God was tired and needed a day off. He rested by enjoying the kingdom He had completed.

Let’s do some Sabbath. Slow down and take a much-needed rest. It’s more than taking a break; it’s a way to spend time with God—who is in charge of this world.

Fun Fact

Denali National Park (DNP) contains 9,492 square miles of wilderness. DNP is larger than seven different US states: Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Hawaii, Connecticut, Delaware, and Rhode Island.

Just You and God

Thanks, Lord, for rest. I love to sleep in! Help me to take some time to spend with you today.
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