For A Warrior Like You
Hi there, strong warrior! Yes, that’s you. Did you know that God is calling you to fight the forces of evil, meaning Satan and his armies? It’s true. You have an epic mission, but here’s a little secret: you’re not carrying out your assignment alone. You couldn’t, in fact, do this alone. Not ever. Your King Jesus will win this war, but He’s asking you to bravely follow Him into battle.
So, are you ready to suit up? First, put on your protective gear: your belt of truth, your breastplate of righteousness, your helmet of salvation, and your shield of faith. When the arrows from the Enemy start flying at you (often in the form of lies), you can put up your shield of faith. Those arrows will boomerang right off, unable to hurt you. Whoa.
Your deadliest weapon? The sword of the Spirit. You can attack your Enemy with this incredibly powerful sword that is God’s words: His words in the Bible and those He shares with you in prayer.
Finally, don’t forget your shoes. With good shoes, you can run at top speeds, sharing God’s love with everyone you know.
Now that you’re dressed, you’re ready to do battle.
Jesus, help me suit up and get ready for the fight against the Enemy. Thanks for going before me and always protecting me!