Day 2 Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 17:1-15
So Much Better
My birthday is the day after my mum’s. As a teenager, I would rack my brain trying to think of a present that she’d like, but that wouldn’t be too expensive! She was always thankful for whatever I got her. On the next day, my birthday, the present she got me would always be far better. She didn’t get me great presents to make me feel bad about what I got her—she simply wanted to be generous.
Wanting to get my mum great presents reminds me of King David in the Bible. He wanted to build a home for God. He saw the huge difference between his palace and the tent where God made Himself known. He wanted to build God a temple. Instead of accepting David’s gift, God gave David an even better gift. God promised that not only would one of David’s children (Solomon) build the temple (1 CHRON. 17:11), but that He would build David a house and a lasting family line. That promise began with Solomon but was finally given in Jesus, whose throne lasts forever (V.12). David wanted to give from his limited resources, but God promised something much better—something that would last forever.
Like David, may we always want to give to God out of our thanks and love. And may we always see how much more He has given to us in Jesus.
By: Kirsten Holmberg
To Pray About . . .
Father God, I thank You for Your amazing gift to me in Jesus Christ. I'm in awe of Your love.