Day 1 Bible Reading: Romans 8:31-39
Always Loved
We belong to a God who loves us more than what we do or what grades we get.
Oh, it’s true that God wants us to do our best and to take responsibility for our school work and our future. And He expects us to look out for the sad, lonely, struggling people around us. He also wants us to be alert to anyone who hasn’t yet trusted Jesus for themselves, in case there is an opportunity to share our faith with them.
And yet we live for a God who loves us more than all of the stuff we do.
We must never forget this, because there may come a time when our ability to do things for God is taken away by sickness or other difficult situations. It is in those hours that God wants us to remember that He loves us not for what we do for Him, but because of who we are: His children! Once we trust Jesus to save us, nothing—“trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword”—will ever again separate us “from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (ROM. 8:35,39).
If we ever find ourselves unable to do the things we’re good at, or to serve God actively, then all He wants us to do is rest in our relationship with Him.
By: Randy Kilgore
To Pray About . . .
Father, help us never lose sight of the love You have for us. No matter what we manage to do, or where we fail, Your love for us will not change.