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Week 61 Bible Reading: Romans 6:15–23

Feeding the Wolf

Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. Forget about satisfying your sinful self. - Romans 13:14 ICB

An old Cherokee chief was sitting before a flickering fire with his grandson. The boy had broken a tribal taboo (or rule), and his grandpa wanted to help him understand what made him do it.

“It’s like we have two wolves inside us,” said the chief. “One is good, the other is bad. Both demand our obedience.”

“Which one wins?” asked the boy.

“The one we feed!” said the chief.

If you are a Christian who is trying to live for Jesus, you understand that struggle. Do you feel that battle in your own heart between doing what is good and doing what you know is not good? The big problem is that if we give in to small, “harmless” desires, we soon give in to bigger sins.

Need help? Trust what the Bible tells us about temptation—we need to run from it. The Holy Spirit can help you. Just ask.

When the chance to do or say something that is sinful comes along, we must say no—over and over and over. Paul said, “Forget about satisfying your sinful self” (Romans 13:14 ICB).

Fun Fact

The Cherokee people didn’t have baseball, but they did have a stickball game they called Anejodi. It was somewhat similar to lacrosse.

Just You and God

“It’s hard to say no, Lord, when all of my friends are saying yes. Can you give me the courage to do the right thing?”
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