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Fixing things isn’t easy. Maybe you’ve watched your mom or dad try to change a headlight or make the toaster work again. Often, they end up finding a YouTube video where someone teaches them with step-by-step details how to get the job done.
Paul was like a YouTube video for his younger friend Timothy, who was learning how to serve Jesus. Of course, Paul had to write an actual letter instead of posting online, but you get the idea. Paul was in Rome in jail when he sent this note to Timothy: “You ... know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings” (2 Timothy 3:10–11). Paul also said to Timothy, “Continue in what you have learned.” He was talking about the stuff Timothy had learned in the Bible (vv. 14–15)—and about how Paul had lived.
Timothy needed Paul to show him how to live by God’s Word. That’s something we all need to do better.
Who is teaching you to live for Jesus? Find a solid Christian and say to him, “Show me how to be like Jesus.”
Fun Fact
There are actually YouTube videos on fixing a toaster. One received more than 115,000 views. There must be a lot of broken toasters out there!